How to Write a Cover Letter for a Book Submission
👋 Hey, I’m Erika and welcome to a 🔒 subscriber-only edition 🔒 of the Xulon Press Substack. Each week, I publish articles on Tuesdays, Thursdays, (and now) Sundays! We tackle all things about writing a book, including the actual writing process, publishing and self-publishing preparation, and pre-marketing and selling your book.
Are you interested in submitting your manuscript to literary agents or book publishers? If so, you’ll most likely have to include a cover letter with your submission. If you’re unsure why you need a cover letter, what to include in it, and how to make it stand out, keep reading and we’ll answer all your questions.
Why Do I Need to Submit a Cover Letter with My Manuscript Submission?
A cover letter is a crucial component of your submission package if you plan on approaching literary agents or book publishers with your manuscript. The letter is a place where you can introduce yourself, showcase your writing style, and tease your manuscript. Use it as an opportunity to tell the recipient about your writing goals and aspirations, your background, and any writing experience you have.
Make a good first impression and stand out among the vast number of submissions that agents and publishers receive by making sure your cover letter is well-written, engaging, and highlights the unique attributes that make your manuscript stand out from others. Crafting a strong cover letter requires time and effort, but it might make a significant difference when it comes to your submission.
Do I Submit a Cover Letter to Literary Agents or Book Publishers or Both?
The answer is both. You should always submit a cover letter with your manuscript to literary agents and book publishers. Even if you aren’t specifically asked for one, it's still a good idea to send it along with your manuscript.
What Do I Need to Include in the Cover Letter with My Manuscript?
First and foremost, your cover letter should be informative. Here are some key points to consider when writing your cover letter:
Introduction: Start by introducing yourself and your manuscript. You’ll also want to provide a brief overview of your manuscript’s title and genre.
Synopsis: Write a detailed synopsis of your manuscript. Include the main plot points, characters, and setting. Be sure to give a sense of the tone and style of your writing.
Qualifications: Highlight your writing experience and any relevant qualifications you have. This could include writing awards you've won, writing classes you've taken, or any other published works. It may also be beneficial to note any research you've done for the book or expertise you have in the subject matter.
Marketing: Think about and include how you plan to market your book. Will you do book signings and/or readings? Do you have an active social media presence? Let the publisher or agent know what you've already done to pre-market your work and what you plan to do in the future.
Call to Action: At the end of your cover letter, let the publisher or agent know that you would be happy to send them a complete manuscript if they are interested. Also, be sure to thank them for their time and consideration.
How Can I Make My Cover Letter and Manuscript Stand Out?
Here are some tips to make your cover letter and manuscript stand out:
Be patient: It can take weeks or months to hear back from a literary agent. Be patient and continue submitting your manuscript to other agents in the meantime.
Follow submission guidelines: Manuscript guidelines are extremely important, so be sure you follow the specific submission guidelines for each literary agent.
Keep it concise: Your cover letter should be one page.
Personalize it: Address the literary agent by name if possible.
Proofread: Be sure your cover letter is free of spelling and grammar errors.
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